Lesson 5: Generalized linear mixed models
Lesson 5 learning objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will …
- Know what a generalized linear mixed model is and why you might want to use one.
- Fit a generalized linear mixed model to binary outcome data.
- Fit a generalized linear mixed model to count outcome data.
- Taking the log transformation of the response variable won’t always work
- The next step is to enter the world of generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)
- General linear mixed model and generalized linear mixed model begin with the same letters, so it’s a little bit confusing!
GLMM with binary response variable
- Let’s say we have response data that is binary
- For example, testing the ability of a vaccine to prevent some disease in animals
- Control group was not inoculated and treatment group was inoculated
- The response variable is whether or not the disease is present
- The animals are raised in different pens of 10 animals each in a complete block design
- We need to account for the effect of pen on disease using a random intercept
Load needed packages and dataset (simulated)
disease <- read_csv('https://usda-ree-ars.github.io/glmm-workshop-dec2022/datasets/disease.csv')
Summarize the data
- How many animals in each pen and treatment got the disease?
- Use
and summarize()
to make a table
disease %>%
group_by(inoc, pen) %>%
summarize(no_disease = sum(disease == 0), disease = sum(disease == 1))
- What if we tried to just use a linear mixed model as we have done before?
- We code “disease absent” as 0 and “disease present” as 1 to make it numeric
lmm_disease <- lmer(disease ~ inoc + (1|pen), data = disease)
- Seems reasonable at first glance
- The intercept is 0.78, so the baseline rate is 78% disease
- The coefficient on inoculation is -0.64, so inoculation treatment makes disease go down to 14%
- What is wrong with that?
- Let’s say we had a population where the baseline rate of disease was only 40%.
- Our model would predict -24% disease when inoculated
- It makes more sense to think about relative changes to odds.
- If the baseline rate is very low, it can’t be reduced much more
- If the baseline rate is high, it’s easier to reduce
Diagnostics of linear model
- Residuals of this model do not really meet assumptions
- Not normally distributed with homogeneous variance
- Predicted values of the model go well outside the 0 to 1 range
- Very poor match between the data (green line) and predictions (blue lines)
Solving the problem
- Model binary response with a generalized linear mode
- Use a link function to convert the predicted response value into a scale that can be normally distributed
- Predict the probability that an individual from each pen with or without the inoculation treatment will get the disease
- Probability ranges from 0 to 1, so it cannot really have normally distributed error
What is that “logit” thing???
\[\text{logit}~\hat{y}_{i,j} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 inoc_i + u_j\]
- Logit, or log odds, is the link function
\[\text{logit}~p = \log \frac {p}{1-p}\]
- Transforms the probability (ranges from 0 to 1) to log-odds scale (can take any value, + or -)
- R function is
- Inverse is
(converts log odds back to probability)
Graph of the logit function
![graph of logit function]()
- Maps the values from 0 to 1 to negative to positive infinity.
- More or less a straight line between about 0.25 and 0.75
- Starts to get steep as you get close to the boundaries
Fit the logit model
- Binomial (aka logistic) GLMM with a logit link function
- Binomial means response variable can have two values (0 and 1, or no and yes)
- Now we use
instead of lmer()
- Same model formula as with
- New argument,
, refers to the “family” of error distributions
binomial(link = 'logit')
used here, other links are possible
glmm_disease <- glmer(disease ~ inoc + (1|pen), data = disease, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
Diagnostics of GLMM
- Looks better, especially the predictive check
- Model only predicts values between 0 and 1
- Makes logical sense and matches the observations
Exploring model summary
- Intercept is 1.39 and treatment coefficient is -3.37. What does that mean???
- The coefficients are on the log odds scale and need to be back-transformed to probability scale
Effects in GLMMs
- GLMM can have all the same kinds of effects as “plain” LMMs
- Continuous and categorical fixed effect predictors
- Interaction effects
- Crossed and nested random effects
- Random intercepts and random slopes
GLMM with count response variable
- Response variable can only be a non-negative integer
- Discrete values, instead of continuous like a normal distribution
- Model cannot predict negative counts
- We can use GLMM with Poisson distribution with a log link function
- Poisson distribution is bounded over non-negative integers
- Ideal for count data (as long as there are not too many 0 values)
Example count dataset
- From agridat package
- Experiment conducted by George Stirret and colleagues in Canada in 1935
- Use of fungal spores applied to corn plants to control European corn borer
- Four levels of the fungal spore treatment (
column in the dataset):
- untreated control (
- early fungal treatment (
- late fungal treatment (
- fungal spores were applied both early and late (
- 15 experimental blocks (
column), each containing four plots
- Number of borers per plot was counted on two different dates
- We will only consider the latest count (
Load the dataset
data('stirret.borers', package = 'agridat')
If you are running R locally and didn’t/can’t install the agridat package, I included the CSV in the example datasets
stirret.borers <- read_csv('https://usda-ree-ars.github.io/glmm-workshop-dec2022/datasets/stirret.borers.csv')
Examine the data
Histogram of the data by treatment, with means as a line (don’t worry about the code for now)
borer_means <- stirret.borers %>%
group_by(trt) %>%
summarize(count2_mean = mean(count2))
ggplot(stirret.borers, aes(x = count2)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 10) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = count2_mean), data = borer_means, color = 'red') +
facet_wrap(~ trt) +
- Quite a few counts of zero or close to it
- “Both” and “Late” treatments have the lowest mean counts, then “Early”, then “None”
- Rearrange the factor levels of the
column so control level 'None'
is first
- It will be the reference level in the model, for easier interpretation
stirret.borers <- stirret.borers %>%
mutate(trt = factor(trt, levels = c('None', 'Early', 'Late', 'Both')))
Fit as general linear model
lmm_borers <- lmer(count2 ~ trt + (1|block), data = stirret.borers)
Fit as generalized linear model
- Use
family = poisson(link = 'log')
- Log is the link function that works best with the Poisson distribution
glmm_borers <- glmer(count2 ~ trt + (1|block), data = stirret.borers, family = poisson(link = 'log'))
Diagnostic plots
Compare LMM and Poisson GLMM diagnostics
- Residual diagnostics actually look acceptable for both models
- The count data are really not that far off from normal
- But LMM produces a lot of negative predictions
- GLMM allows us to make more meaningful predictions
Coefficients of GLMM
- Back-transform coefficient estimates from the link function scale back to the original scale of the data
- Coefficients on log scale so we use exponentiation (
) as the inverse
- Intercept (3.42) is the estimated mean for the “None” treatment (control group) on a log scale
- For other treatment groups, add coefficients to intercept and then exponentiate
- For example, “Early” treatment coefficient was -0.24
Hey! What about …
- we are barely scratching the surface of GLMMs
can only fit a small subset of GLMMs
- For example, your response variable might be a categorical outcome with more than two possibilities (multinomial GLMM)
- Or ordered categorical, such as disease ratings on a 1-5 scale
Other topics for future workshops
- Repeated measures designs
- Spatial autocorrelation
- Overdispersion in count data
- Zero-inflation
- Different types of random effects (G-side versus R-side) and error structures
And what about Bayes?
- In many real world cases of data analysis, the “frequentist” methods we have covered today simply will not work
- The best alternative is to use a Bayesian approach
- I recommend the Bayesian R modeling packages brms and rstanarm
- I am planning a workshop on brms for this coming year