Doing more with less

ARS SEA IACUC workshop, July 18, 2024

Quentin D. Read

Who is this talk for?

Image (C) Anton Petrus/Getty Images

  • Practicing animal researchers without a strong statistics background
  • I’ll throw some ideas out there that might pique your curiosity
  • Use as a jumping-off point to learn more

Going beyond power analysis

  • You might remember me boring you with a talk on power analysis from last year
  • Power analysis is what you have to do to follow the rules, but it doesn’t encourage creative thinking
  • We can breathe new life into old methods and really elevate our research technique with these new ways of doing things (that actually aren’t that new)

How to get more mileage out of fewer animals

  • Creative experimental designs
  • Bayesian statistical analysis

1. Creative experimental designs

Reproducibility crisis

  • In many scientific fields there is concern about reproducibility
  • Gold standard: conducting the same study in multiple laboratories
  • If the effect is real, it will be detected under different experimental conditions
  • But this is often not feasible in practice

Image (C) Maki Naro

Blocks in experimental design

  • Within a laboratory, we can maximize statistical power by using a blocked experimental design
  • Example: cages, rooms, plots
  • Usually blocks are physically separated from one another in space

The problem with blocks

  • But these blocks are still not really independent of each other
  • They share a lot of environmental conditions among them, not just within each block
  • Paradoxically, our conclusions are still limited by the lack of heterogeneity among the blocks
  • Our experiments are “too controlled”

A potential solution: “Mini-experiment” design

  • We can make the blocks more independent of each other by blocking in both time and space
  • This mimics a multi-laboratory study because conditions change more between the time points, than they would if all blocks were run at the same time
  • Introducing environmental heterogeneity can increases realism
  • If the effect is detectable across a wider range of environmental conditions, it may indicate a more general pattern

Drawbacks of mini-experiment approach

  • May be more costly because it is less efficient to set up the experimental setup multiple times over a long period
  • Slows down the all-important time to publication

Image (C) Pixel-Shot/Adobe Stock

2. Bayesian statistics

photo of a neon sign of Bayes’ Theorem

Difference between Bayesian and frequentist probability

  • Classical statistics most of you are familiar with are called “frequentist”
  • Bayesian statistics and frequentist statistics are based on different interpretations of probability
  • Frequentists see probability only as the randomness of events in the world and their long-term frequencies, not our knowledge about them
  • Bayesians see probability as a combination of the randomness in the world and our knowledge about the world

Bayesian vs. frequentist probability

Usain Bolt, the GOAT

  • Probability, in the Bayesian interpretation, includes how uncertain our knowledge of an event is
  • Example Before the 2016 Olympics, saying “The probability that Usain Bolt will win the gold medal in the men’s 100 meter dash is 75%.”
  • In frequentist analysis, one single event does not have a probability. Either Bolt wins or Bolt loses
  • In frequentist analysis, probability is a long-run frequency
    • We could predict if the 2016 men’s 100m final was repeated many times Bolt would win 75% of them
  • But Bayesian probability sees the single event as an uncertain outcome, given our imperfect knowledge
  • Calculating Bayesian probability = giving a number to a belief that best reflects the state of your knowledge

Prior knowledge

  • How exactly do you incorporate your prior judgment about the probability of an event when using Bayesian inference?
  • Example I flip a coin and hide it from you and bet you $1 I flipped heads
  • What is the probability it is heads?

Prior knowledge: example

  • A frequentist might say: before the coin flip, there was a 50% probability of flipping heads. After the coin flip, the coin is either heads or tails
  • A Bayesian might say: from my perspective based on my knowledge of the world, there is still a 50% probability that the coin is heads
  • The Bayesian probability incorporates the uncertainty in the event itself and the uncertainty in our knowledge of the state of the world

Prior knowledge: example

photo of a magician who can control coin flips

  • But what if you happen to know that I watch YouTube videos about how to manipulate the outcome of coin flips?

Prior knowledge: example

  • The frequentist interpretation of probability remains the same. The coin is either heads or tails once it’s flipped.
  • But the Bayesian might assign >50% probability that the coin is heads, based on that extra knowledge about the world
  • In the Bayesian world, we call that “extra knowledge” the prior

Bayesian inference in a nutshell

  • I am not going to go into the technical details of Bayesian statistics here, but I will just give a simplified version
  • Bayesian inference: \(prior \times likelihood = posterior\)
    • prior: Our pre-existing model of the world before we get the data
    • likelihood: The new knowledge we get from the data
    • posterior: Our new model of the world incorporating that new knowledge
    • We are updating our beliefs about the world based on new knowledge we get … sounds kind of like real life!
  • Frequentist inference: likelihood only
    • Our knowledge about the world is only limited to the dataset we have in front of us

Bayes in the world of stats

  • In the world of stat modeling, the prior is our best estimate of the distribution of the parameters of the statistical model before we get the data
  • The likelihood is proportional to the probability of the distribution of the parameters based only on the data
  • The posterior is our new best estimate of the distribution of the parameters of the statistical model, which has information from the prior and the data

The more data you get, the less important the prior

  • The likelihood, which comes only from the data, “pulls” the posterior towards it
  • The more data, the stronger it pulls

Frequentist approach may needlessly waste animals

  • Frequentist statistics forces you to pretend you know nothing about the world before you collect the data
  • This is a fine way to proceed, I use frequentist models all the time and I have no problem with them in general
  • But it can lead to needless waste of animals: you need more data from each individual experiment if you are not allowed to use a reasonable amount of prior knowledge about the world

Image (C) Sports Illustrated

Bayes and decision-making

  • Bayesian inference (ideally) does not use a black-and-white decision rule about whether there “is an effect” or not
  • Frequentist tests usually have the goal of rejecting a null hypothesis, such as “There is no difference between the mean of A and the mean of B.”
  • In Bayes world, instead of testing a null hypothesis, we estimate the size of the effect and the uncertainty around that effect
  • That may be more relevant for decision-making
  • Example: If you want to approve a new drug or therapy, the size of the effect is more relevant than whether the confidence interval includes zero or any other magic number
    • We know the effect isn’t zero, we want to estimate if it’s big or small!

Image (C) Bill Watterson

Side note: the history of Bayes, Part I

  • Bayesian statistics is not new
  • It was just called “statistics” before frequentist statistics were invented!
  • The basic principles were developed hundreds of years ago
    • Thomas Bayes, 1763
    • Pierre-Simon Laplace, 1774

The history of Bayes, Part II

  • Computers weren’t powerful enough to fit Bayesian stat models
  • In the 1920s, R.A. Fisher solved that problem by nearly single-handedly inventing frequentist statistics
  • But he disagreed with the Bayesian interpretation of probability … so he went on a campaign to discredit Bayesian methods

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The history of Bayes, Part III

  • Now we have gone beyond the academic Bayes vs. frequentist debates of the 20th century
  • Bayesian and frequentist statistics are most productively viewed as different tools in your statistical toolkit
  • In the last ~10-15 years lots of statistical software has come out making it much easier to fit Bayesian models
    • R: the brms package, based on the Stan language, and the INLA package
    • SAS: proc bglimm and proc mcmc

Where can Bayesian analysis outperform frequentist analysis?

  • Situations where in the control group there is 0% or 100% mortality
    • Frequentist statistics have trouble with this because you get an odds ratio that is infinite or zero — but is that really likely?
    • In Bayesian analysis, we can set a prior distribution on the control group mean
  • Mixed models with complicated structure and not much data
    • Frequentist algorithms often get stuck
    • Using priors can stabilize computations and get you an answer!

But where do I get information for my priors?

  • Like estimating effect sizes in power analysis, there is an easy way and a hard way
  • Fallback option is to use a conservative “uninformative” prior
  • You can get informed priors from the literature, especially meta-analyses, or previous studies in similar systems
  • Common sense is allowed too!
  • “Weakly informative” priors can constrain our estimates to a reasonable value
    • A sensitivity analysis is good

Image (C) Getty Images

Putting it all together

Combining Bayesian updating of probability with the mini-experiment design

Case study: von Kortzfleisch et al. 2020

  • A battery of behavioral and physiological assays done on four mouse strains
  • Conventional design: four experimental runs were done on four different days, each with a randomized complete block design
    • 3 blocks with 9 mice from each strain in each block
  • Mini-experiment design: same design as conventional, except that the three blocks for each run were done on a different day, for a total of 12 different days

Figure 1 from paper

Re-analysis of data from study

  • I reanalyzed the data from this experiment (thanks to the authors for providing the raw data!)
  • Original study used classical frequentist analysis but I used a Bayesian analysis
  • Analyzed the conventional data and mini-experiment data in separate analyses
    • Used priors indicating I have no prior belief about which strain has a higher mean than any other

Uninformative prior: \(\text{Normal}(0, 5)\)

Reanalysis of data from study

  • Also analyzed the conventional data and mini-experiment data in separate sequential analyses
    • One run at a time analyzed
    • Used the posterior estimates of the mean and standard deviation of each strain as the priors for the next run

Splitting up the design in time improves the precision of estimates

  • Credible intervals are narrower around the mini-experiment means compared to the control means
  • Even though the distribution of the raw data is visually very similar between the two

fecal corticosterone

home cage behavior

Precision improves with each run in the sequential analysis

  • When we split up the analysis and do it sequentially, we get steadily improving precision as more data is added

home cage behavior

puzzle box test

Bayesian “stopping rule”

  • Using the mini-experiment design, you could pre-define a desired level of precision of your parameter estimates
  • If that level is reached early, you could stop collecting data at that point, saving animals
  • Because we are not using the null hypothesis rejection approach, it is OK to continue the study until you reach a desired level of precision, stopping earlier if you want

Wrap-up: practical recommendations

  • Talk to me before you conduct your experiment and we can come up with creative ways to get the best inference out of the fewest animals
  • Talk to me about using Bayesian analysis and about where you can find information for priors
  • Organizations like IACUC that require pre-registered statistical analysis methods and power analysis are now open to Bayesian
  • Power analysis can be done with Bayesian methods, too

What I just told you

  • Split up experiments over time to get more precise estimates of effects with fewer animals
  • Use Bayesian methods to incorporate prior knowledge into our statistical models and get more precise estimates of effects with fewer animals
  • Better yet, combine the two approaches together
  • It seems like more work but it harms fewer animals, may ultimately reduce your workload, and leads to better science

Teaser for next year

  • I’ll talk about meta-analysis — a way to gain knowledge while harming no new animals!
  • The results from a meta-analysis can even be used as priors in a Bayesian analysis!
  • Get hyped for 2025!

Image (C) Mathsly Research

Further reading/Sources

Mini-experiment design

  • Richter, S. H. (2024). Challenging current scientific practice: How a shift in research methodology could reduce animal use. Lab Animal, 53(1), 9–12.
  • von Kortzfleisch, V. T., Karp, N. A., Palme, R., Kaiser, S., Sachser, N., & Richter, S. H. (2020). Improving reproducibility in animal research by splitting the study population into several ‘mini-experiments.’ Scientific Reports, 10(1), 16579.

Bayesian statistics