:diggle_GAMM <- add_criterion(diggle_GAMM, 'loo')
loo_compare(diggle_GAMM, diggle_ar1)
## elpd_diff se_diff
## diggle_ar1 0.0 0.0
## diggle_GAMM -203.7 24.9
The AR1 model performs much better, providing additional evidence that there is not much benefit in introducing the added complexity of the GAMM in this case.
broadbalk_cosy <- brm(grain ~ year + cosy(time = year, gr = plot), data = broadbalk.wheat, file = 'fits/broadbalk_cosy')
broadbalk_ar1 <- brm(grain ~ year + ar(time = year, gr = plot, p = 1), data = broadbalk.wheat, file = 'fits/broadbalk_ar1')
.broadbalk_cosy <- add_criterion(broadbalk_cosy, 'loo')
broadbalk_ar1 <- add_criterion(broadbalk_ar1, 'loo')
loo_compare(broadbalk_cosy, broadbalk_ar1)
## elpd_diff se_diff
## broadbalk_cosy 0.0 0.0
## broadbalk_ar1 -149.2 20.0
The compound symmetry covariance is a better fit than the autoregressive. This makes sense because the time trends are capturing yearly environmental fluctuations. Each year is more or less unique and the weather in one year is not highly correlated with the previous. Thus, the autoregressive structure that models years closer in time as more closely correlated is a poor fit.
to look at the parameter
estimate for the slope and its 95% CI, or use
to see a plot. We can
see that there is evidence for a declining trend in grain yield over
time.describe_posterior(broadbalk_cosy, test = 'p_map')
## Summary of Posterior Distribution
## Parameter | Median | 95% CI | p (MAP) | Rhat | ESS
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
## (Intercept) | 19.75 | [16.87, 22.67] | < .001 | 1.001 | 4246.00
## year | -9.51e-03 | [-0.01, -0.01] | < .001 | 1.001 | 4277.00
ggplot(burgueno.rowcol, aes(x = col, y = row, fill = yield)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_distiller(palette = 'Oranges', direction = 1)
burgueno_nonspatial <- brm(yield ~ gen, data = burgueno.rowcol, file = 'fits/burgueno_nonspatial')
burgueno_spatial <- brm(yield ~ gen + s(col, row, k = 10, bs = 'gp'), data = burgueno.rowcol, file = 'fits/burgueno_spatial')
burgueno.rowcol$residuals_nonspatial <- residuals(burgueno_nonspatial)[,1]
burgueno.rowcol$residuals_spatial <- residuals(burgueno_spatial)[,1]
ggplot(burgueno.rowcol, aes(x = col, y = row, fill = residuals_nonspatial)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_distiller(palette = 'Greens', direction = 1)
ggplot(burgueno.rowcol, aes(x = col, y = row, fill = residuals_spatial)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_distiller(palette = 'Greens', direction = 1)
As a bonus, here is code to calculate Moran’s I for both the models. We see there is fairly strong spatial autocorrelation in the first model’s residuals but not the second.
burgueno_inv_dist <- 1 / as.matrix(dist(cbind(burgueno.rowcol$col, burgueno.rowcol$row)))
diag(burgueno_inv_dist) <- 0
Moran.I(burgueno.rowcol$residuals_nonspatial, burgueno_inv_dist)
## $observed
## [1] 0.1279599
## $expected
## [1] -0.007874016
## $sd
## [1] 0.009038702
## $p.value
## [1] 0
Moran.I(burgueno.rowcol$residuals_spatial, burgueno_inv_dist)
## $observed
## [1] 0.009799946
## $expected
## [1] -0.007874016
## $sd
## [1] 0.009038264
## $p.value
## [1] 0.05052883