Exercise 1

The data is the observation from your werewolf detector that the mailman is a werewolf. That is information you went out and collected, presumably to test the hypothesis that the mailman is a werewolf.

The likelihood is the probability of the data given the model. In this case, it’s the probability that the data point (the werewolf detector observing that the mailman is a werewolf) would be observed, given that the model is true (the model being the hypothesis that the mailman is a werewolf). As we know the detector correctly identifies werewolves 99% of the time, it’s 0.99.

The prior is the information from your field guide that 1 in every 1000 people is a werewolf. This is knowledge that you have before you set out to test whether anyone is a werewolf.

The posterior is the final result: if we observe a positive werewolf test on an individual, given our prior knowledge that 1/1000 people are werewolves and the fact that our test is 99% accurate for both positive and negative results, the posterior probability that the mailman is a werewolf is 9%.

Incidentally, this seems like a very low probability but it can be demonstrated using Bayes’ Theorem. See the worked example on the Wikipedia page on Bayes’ Theorem. It uses drug testing as an example, which is not as fun as werewolf testing, but the math is the same.

Exercise 2

Trace plot A resembles a “hairy caterpillar,” representing good model convergence. All Markov chains have arrived at the correct solution and are moving back and forth around it. The amount they go back and forth is proportional to the uncertainty we have about the value of the parameter.

In trace plot B, some of the Markov chains show trends in one direction or another represents poor model convergence. The chains are still moving around trying to find the correct solution. They are not mixing well, meaning they are not moving back and forth with the same stationary distribution.

In the first case, we can tell the researcher they can use the posterior distribution to make some inferences. They can do things like calculate the median and quantiles of the distribution, and make predictions.

In the second case, we would recommend the researcher to either run the MCMC for a greater number of iterations, or change the prior distributions to constrain the chains to explore parameter space more narrowly so they are more likely to converge on the correct solution.

Exercise 3

Here is how you would proceed if you wanted to add two-way interaction terms to the model. This adds the interaction terms to the last model we fit that has random slopes for all main effects.

fit_withinteractions <- brm(yield ~ 1 + N + P + K + N:P + N:K + P:K + (1 + N + P + K | site) + (1 | block:site),
            data = stvincent,
            prior = c(prior(normal(0, 10), class = b)),
            chains = 4,
            iter = 2000,
            warmup = 1000,
            seed = 5,
            file = 'fits/fit_2wayinteractions')

Then, to examine the model diagnostics, look at the trace plots and the posterior predictive check plot (output not shown here). We should see “hairy caterpillar” traceplots and a posterior predictive check plot where the fitted values taken from the posterior have a similar distribution to the data.


Next, look at the model summary. This will show you that the R-hat statistics are close to 1 to further confirm the model converged. That means we can make inferences based on the parameter estimates.

##  Family: gaussian 
##   Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
## Formula: yield ~ 1 + N + P + K + N:P + N:K + P:K + (1 + N + P + K | site) + (1 | block:site) 
##    Data: stvincent (Number of observations: 324) 
##   Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
##          total post-warmup draws = 4000
## Multilevel Hyperparameters:
## ~block:site (Number of levels: 36) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)     1.44      0.32     0.85     2.12 1.00     1483     2415
## ~site (Number of levels: 9) 
##                    Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)          4.54      1.49     2.49     8.30 1.00     2013     2466
## sd(N1N)                0.86      0.70     0.04     2.57 1.00     2812     2711
## sd(N2N)                3.40      1.08     1.85     6.00 1.00     2136     2517
## sd(N3N)                3.54      1.37     1.39     6.69 1.00     2155     2030
## sd(P1P)                1.16      0.83     0.05     3.12 1.00     1710     1612
## sd(P2P)                1.70      0.93     0.18     3.82 1.00     1697     1480
## sd(P3P)                1.04      0.85     0.03     3.17 1.00     2702     2434
## sd(K1K)                1.45      0.94     0.08     3.66 1.00     1726     1881
## sd(K2K)                1.43      0.87     0.08     3.40 1.00     1700     1314
## sd(K3K)                2.10      1.19     0.20     4.74 1.00     1903     1835
## cor(Intercept,N1N)    -0.00      0.30    -0.56     0.56 1.00     6853     2640
## cor(Intercept,N2N)     0.02      0.24    -0.45     0.49 1.00     3881     3146
## cor(N1N,N2N)           0.07      0.31    -0.55     0.63 1.00     1637     2496
## cor(Intercept,N3N)    -0.03      0.26    -0.51     0.46 1.00     4316     2821
## cor(N1N,N3N)           0.08      0.30    -0.53     0.63 1.00     1972     2591
## cor(N2N,N3N)           0.39      0.25    -0.14     0.80 1.00     4326     3286
## cor(Intercept,P1P)    -0.03      0.29    -0.58     0.54 1.00     6276     2980
## cor(N1N,P1P)          -0.03      0.30    -0.61     0.56 1.00     4301     2479
## cor(N2N,P1P)           0.21      0.30    -0.42     0.72 1.00     4328     2939
## cor(N3N,P1P)           0.11      0.29    -0.46     0.64 1.00     4241     3521
## cor(Intercept,P2P)     0.17      0.27    -0.37     0.66 1.00     6054     3049
## cor(N1N,P2P)           0.05      0.30    -0.53     0.62 1.00     3982     3502
## cor(N2N,P2P)          -0.07      0.28    -0.60     0.49 1.00     4852     3130
## cor(N3N,P2P)          -0.01      0.27    -0.53     0.51 1.00     4749     3571
## cor(P1P,P2P)           0.06      0.31    -0.53     0.62 1.00     3189     3373
## cor(Intercept,P3P)     0.01      0.30    -0.55     0.57 1.00     7568     2707
## cor(N1N,P3P)          -0.02      0.30    -0.60     0.56 1.00     5860     2965
## cor(N2N,P3P)           0.01      0.30    -0.56     0.57 1.00     5930     3131
## cor(N3N,P3P)           0.01      0.30    -0.55     0.58 1.00     4798     3303
## cor(P1P,P3P)           0.04      0.30    -0.55     0.59 1.00     2979     3358
## cor(P2P,P3P)          -0.01      0.30    -0.57     0.58 1.00     3342     3385
## cor(Intercept,K1K)     0.13      0.29    -0.45     0.65 1.00     6553     3000
## cor(N1N,K1K)          -0.05      0.31    -0.63     0.56 1.00     4459     3123
## cor(N2N,K1K)           0.16      0.28    -0.43     0.67 1.00     4289     3113
## cor(N3N,K1K)           0.09      0.29    -0.49     0.63 1.00     4442     3239
## cor(P1P,K1K)           0.01      0.30    -0.55     0.56 1.00     3517     3471
## cor(P2P,K1K)           0.17      0.29    -0.42     0.68 1.00     3226     3506
## cor(P3P,K1K)          -0.05      0.30    -0.61     0.53 1.00     3205     3429
## cor(Intercept,K2K)    -0.07      0.28    -0.60     0.50 1.00     5495     2856
## cor(N1N,K2K)          -0.01      0.30    -0.58     0.58 1.00     3176     2896
## cor(N2N,K2K)          -0.24      0.28    -0.72     0.35 1.00     4894     3187
## cor(N3N,K2K)          -0.17      0.28    -0.68     0.41 1.00     4653     3504
## cor(P1P,K2K)          -0.09      0.29    -0.62     0.51 1.00     3092     3712
## cor(P2P,K2K)          -0.08      0.29    -0.63     0.48 1.00     3800     3359
## cor(P3P,K2K)           0.02      0.30    -0.56     0.58 1.00     2699     3376
## cor(K1K,K2K)          -0.04      0.29    -0.59     0.54 1.00     3190     3517
## cor(Intercept,K3K)    -0.20      0.28    -0.69     0.38 1.00     5982     3278
## cor(N1N,K3K)          -0.04      0.30    -0.59     0.52 1.00     4378     3265
## cor(N2N,K3K)           0.16      0.28    -0.42     0.68 1.00     4685     3579
## cor(N3N,K3K)           0.07      0.29    -0.50     0.61 1.00     4265     3180
## cor(P1P,K3K)          -0.04      0.30    -0.60     0.55 1.00     3347     3551
## cor(P2P,K3K)          -0.12      0.29    -0.65     0.46 1.00     3432     3364
## cor(P3P,K3K)          -0.01      0.30    -0.56     0.57 1.00     3185     3761
## cor(K1K,K3K)           0.02      0.30    -0.55     0.58 1.00     3057     3481
## cor(K2K,K3K)          -0.03      0.29    -0.58     0.53 1.00     2540     2813
## Regression Coefficients:
##           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## Intercept    13.20      1.72     9.69    16.62 1.00     1647     2178
## N1N           0.68      8.23   -15.20    16.77 1.00     6866     2840
## N2N           4.42      1.47     1.46     7.23 1.00     2304     2550
## N3N           0.75      8.96   -17.54    18.70 1.00     7675     2837
## P1P           0.99      8.23   -14.98    16.81 1.00     6737     2947
## P2P          -0.12      1.06    -2.20     1.94 1.00     3892     2903
## P3P           0.49      8.84   -16.76    17.48 1.00     6943     2960
## K1K           0.89      8.29   -15.46    16.96 1.00     7562     2948
## K2K          -0.90      1.07    -3.00     1.17 1.00     3500     2839
## K3K           0.45      8.75   -17.67    17.89 1.00     7807     2767
## N1N:P1P       0.30      8.42   -16.74    16.99 1.00     6895     2760
## N2N:P1P       0.03     10.07   -20.01    20.20 1.00    10965     2585
## N3N:P1P       0.81      8.70   -16.15    17.76 1.00     8078     2762
## N1N:P2P       0.01     10.02   -19.33    19.70 1.00     9609     2926
## N2N:P2P      -0.22      0.99    -2.17     1.73 1.00     8406     3409
## N3N:P2P       0.06      9.97   -18.89    19.19 1.00     9132     2690
## N1N:P3P       0.04      8.72   -17.08    17.30 1.00     8235     2933
## N2N:P3P       0.07      9.78   -19.04    19.22 1.00     9633     3066
## N3N:P3P      -0.05      9.87   -19.49    19.42 1.00     9002     2780
## N1N:K1K      -0.06      8.00   -15.58    15.59 1.00     7124     3126
## N2N:K1K       0.03     10.06   -19.39    19.37 1.00     9321     2624
## N3N:K1K       0.69      8.97   -16.91    17.79 1.00     8192     2748
## N1N:K2K       0.09      9.82   -18.67    19.35 1.00     9720     2822
## N2N:K2K      -0.90      1.01    -2.85     1.12 1.00     5398     3158
## N3N:K2K      -0.07      9.95   -19.33    19.13 1.00     9941     2978
## N1N:K3K       0.79      8.77   -16.24    17.87 1.00     8141     2744
## N2N:K3K       0.07      9.87   -19.89    20.02 1.00    10128     3010
## N3N:K3K      -0.03      9.97   -19.22    19.63 1.00    10602     2679
## P1P:K1K       0.75      8.21   -15.01    16.52 1.00     7409     2983
## P2P:K1K       0.08      9.86   -19.50    19.95 1.00     8854     2920
## P3P:K1K       0.32      8.96   -17.44    17.62 1.00     7869     2776
## P1P:K2K      -0.02     10.14   -20.08    20.13 1.00     9891     2734
## P2P:K2K       1.96      1.03    -0.02     3.92 1.00     6497     3149
## P3P:K2K       0.12      9.74   -19.04    19.08 1.00     9593     2704
## P1P:K3K       0.76      8.73   -16.56    17.77 1.00     7699     2602
## P2P:K3K       0.12      9.97   -19.69    19.76 1.00    10342     2816
## P3P:K3K       0.04      9.98   -19.89    19.10 1.01     9257     2824
## Further Distributional Parameters:
##       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sigma     3.05      0.14     2.79     3.34 1.00     3016     2902
## Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
## and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

We can see here that the point estimates of the interaction slopes are mostly close to zero with wide credible intervals, indicating weak to nonexistent interactions.

Finally, we can use LOO cross-validation to compare the model to others. In this case I will just compare the model with both interaction terms to the random-slope model with only the three main effects and no interaction terms that we fit during the main part of the lesson.

fit_withinteractions <- add_criterion(fit_withinteractions, 'loo')
loo_compare(fit_withinteractions, fit_randomNPKslopes)
##                      elpd_diff se_diff
## fit_randomNPKslopes   0.0       0.0   
## fit_withinteractions -1.3       2.3

This shows us that the fit that includes the interaction terms does not perform any better in the LOO cross-validation than the fit that ignores interactions. This is further evidence that interactions between fertilization treatments are not very strong in this particular dataset.