Exercise 1

The data is the observation from your werewolf detector that the mailman is a werewolf. That is information you went out and collected, presumably to test the hypothesis that the mailman is a werewolf.

The likelihood is the probability of the data given the model. In this case, it’s the probability that the data point (the werewolf detector observing that the mailman is a werewolf) would be observed, given that the model is true (the model being the hypothesis that the mailman is a werewolf). As we know the detector correctly identifies werewolves 99% of the time, it’s 0.99.

The prior is the information from your field guide that 1 in every 1000 people is a werewolf. This is knowledge that you have before you set out to test whether anyone is a werewolf.

The posterior is the final result: if we observe a positive werewolf test on an individual, given our prior knowledge that 1/1000 people are werewolves and the fact that our test is 99% accurate for both positive and negative results, the posterior probability that the mailman is a werewolf is 9%.

Incidentally, this seems like a very low probability but it can be demonstrated using Bayes’ Theorem. See the worked example on the Wikipedia page on Bayes’ Theorem. It uses drug testing as an example, which is not as fun as werewolf testing, but the math is the same.

Exercise 2

Trace plot A resembles a “hairy caterpillar,” representing good model convergence. All Markov chains have arrived at the correct solution and are moving back and forth around it. The amount they go back and forth is proportional to the uncertainty we have about the value of the parameter.

In trace plot B, some of the Markov chains show trends in one direction or another represents poor model convergence. The chains are still moving around trying to find the correct solution. They are not mixing well, meaning they are not moving back and forth with the same stationary distribution.

In the first case, we can tell the researcher they can use the posterior distribution to make some inferences. They can do things like calculate the median and quantiles of the distribution, and make predictions.

In the second case, we would recommend the researcher to either run the MCMC for a greater number of iterations, or change the prior distributions to constrain the chains to explore parameter space more narrowly so they are more likely to converge on the correct solution.

Exercise 3

Here is how you would proceed if you wanted to add two-way interaction terms to the model. This adds the interaction terms to the last model we fit that has random slopes for all main effects.

fit_withinteractions <- brm(yield ~ 1 + N + P + K + N:P + N:K + P:K + (1 + N + P + K | site) + (1 | block:site),
            data = stvincent,
            prior = c(prior(normal(0, 10), class = b)),
            chains = 4,
            iter = 2000,
            warmup = 1000,
            seed = 5,
            file = 'fits/fit_2wayinteractions')

Then, to examine the model diagnostics, look at the trace plots and the posterior predictive check plot (output not shown here). We should see “hairy caterpillar” traceplots and a posterior predictive check plot where the fitted values taken from the posterior have a similar distribution to the data.


Next, look at the model summary. This will show you that the R-hat statistics are close to 1 to further confirm the model converged. That means we can make inferences based on the parameter estimates.

##  Family: gaussian 
##   Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
## Formula: yield ~ 1 + N + P + K + N:P + N:K + P:K + (1 + N + P + K | site) + (1 | block:site) 
##    Data: stvincent (Number of observations: 324) 
##   Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
##          total post-warmup draws = 4000
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~block:site (Number of levels: 36) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)     1.43      0.31     0.88     2.09 1.00     1648     2692
## ~site (Number of levels: 9) 
##                    Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)          4.55      1.47     2.45     8.04 1.00     2565     2767
## sd(N1N)                0.86      0.69     0.04     2.55 1.00     3215     2509
## sd(N2N)                3.41      1.05     1.87     5.91 1.00     2190     2709
## sd(N3N)                3.53      1.32     1.52     6.62 1.00     2796     2877
## sd(P1P)                1.17      0.85     0.05     3.12 1.00     2304     2196
## sd(P2P)                1.69      0.92     0.19     3.85 1.00     1824     1824
## sd(P3P)                1.03      0.88     0.04     3.31 1.00     2556     2340
## sd(K1K)                1.45      0.94     0.07     3.55 1.00     1735     1631
## sd(K2K)                1.48      0.85     0.15     3.49 1.00     2271     1809
## sd(K3K)                2.10      1.23     0.15     4.92 1.00     1870     1902
## cor(Intercept,N1N)    -0.00      0.30    -0.57     0.56 1.00     7548     2878
## cor(Intercept,N2N)     0.03      0.24    -0.45     0.49 1.00     4399     3199
## cor(N1N,N2N)           0.07      0.30    -0.52     0.64 1.00     1799     2951
## cor(Intercept,N3N)    -0.03      0.26    -0.53     0.46 1.00     4811     3514
## cor(N1N,N3N)           0.10      0.31    -0.51     0.65 1.00     2230     3004
## cor(N2N,N3N)           0.39      0.24    -0.13     0.79 1.00     4091     3537
## cor(Intercept,P1P)    -0.03      0.29    -0.58     0.53 1.00     8010     2964
## cor(N1N,P1P)          -0.03      0.30    -0.59     0.54 1.00     4453     2937
## cor(N2N,P1P)           0.20      0.30    -0.40     0.72 1.00     4753     3062
## cor(N3N,P1P)           0.10      0.29    -0.47     0.62 1.00     4575     3241
## cor(Intercept,P2P)     0.16      0.27    -0.38     0.66 1.00     6315     3349
## cor(N1N,P2P)           0.05      0.31    -0.55     0.61 1.00     3784     3260
## cor(N2N,P2P)          -0.07      0.27    -0.57     0.47 1.00     4956     3422
## cor(N3N,P2P)          -0.01      0.28    -0.55     0.53 1.00     4303     3124
## cor(P1P,P2P)           0.07      0.30    -0.51     0.62 1.00     3507     3343
## cor(Intercept,P3P)     0.02      0.29    -0.53     0.55 1.00     8439     2721
## cor(N1N,P3P)          -0.03      0.30    -0.60     0.56 1.00     6471     3272
## cor(N2N,P3P)           0.01      0.29    -0.54     0.57 1.00     6904     3853
## cor(N3N,P3P)           0.01      0.30    -0.56     0.58 1.00     5793     3342
## cor(P1P,P3P)           0.04      0.30    -0.55     0.62 1.00     3126     2974
## cor(P2P,P3P)          -0.01      0.30    -0.60     0.56 1.00     3964     3293
## cor(Intercept,K1K)     0.13      0.29    -0.45     0.65 1.00     5660     2756
## cor(N1N,K1K)          -0.06      0.31    -0.63     0.54 1.00     3984     2904
## cor(N2N,K1K)           0.15      0.29    -0.44     0.66 1.00     4942     3356
## cor(N3N,K1K)           0.09      0.28    -0.47     0.61 1.00     4556     3312
## cor(P1P,K1K)          -0.01      0.30    -0.58     0.57 1.00     3580     3341
## cor(P2P,K1K)           0.16      0.29    -0.45     0.68 1.00     2989     3384
## cor(P3P,K1K)          -0.05      0.30    -0.61     0.54 1.00     3103     3458
## cor(Intercept,K2K)    -0.06      0.27    -0.56     0.47 1.00     7185     3246
## cor(N1N,K2K)          -0.01      0.31    -0.59     0.56 1.00     3761     3284
## cor(N2N,K2K)          -0.24      0.27    -0.70     0.32 1.00     4686     3007
## cor(N3N,K2K)          -0.16      0.28    -0.68     0.42 1.00     4682     3506
## cor(P1P,K2K)          -0.08      0.30    -0.62     0.50 1.00     3081     3306
## cor(P2P,K2K)          -0.09      0.29    -0.63     0.48 1.00     3633     3676
## cor(P3P,K2K)           0.02      0.30    -0.55     0.59 1.00     3121     3238
## cor(K1K,K2K)          -0.05      0.29    -0.60     0.51 1.00     3324     3559
## cor(Intercept,K3K)    -0.20      0.28    -0.70     0.38 1.00     6203     3154
## cor(N1N,K3K)          -0.04      0.29    -0.60     0.53 1.00     4231     2887
## cor(N2N,K3K)           0.15      0.28    -0.41     0.66 1.00     4894     3056
## cor(N3N,K3K)           0.06      0.28    -0.50     0.60 1.00     5151     3604
## cor(P1P,K3K)          -0.03      0.30    -0.58     0.55 1.00     3441     3372
## cor(P2P,K3K)          -0.12      0.29    -0.65     0.44 1.00     3287     3471
## cor(P3P,K3K)           0.00      0.30    -0.59     0.57 1.00     3277     3502
## cor(K1K,K3K)           0.00      0.30    -0.56     0.56 1.00     3055     3332
## cor(K2K,K3K)          -0.03      0.29    -0.59     0.52 1.00     3231     3645
## Population-Level Effects: 
##           Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## Intercept    13.06      1.65     9.77    16.22 1.00     1722     2446
## N1N           0.68      8.38   -15.61    16.81 1.00     6896     2569
## N2N           4.43      1.46     1.58     7.34 1.00     2859     2783
## N3N           0.78      8.85   -16.36    18.57 1.00     7255     2892
## P1P           1.29      8.07   -14.96    16.73 1.00     7439     2722
## P2P          -0.11      1.09    -2.23     2.02 1.00     3988     2618
## P3P           0.34      8.90   -17.55    17.93 1.00     7989     2298
## K1K           0.89      7.99   -14.47    16.55 1.00     7448     2659
## K2K          -0.86      1.06    -2.98     1.23 1.00     4117     2991
## K3K           0.54      8.46   -16.11    16.47 1.00     9987     2372
## N1N:P1P       0.38      8.40   -16.69    16.63 1.00     7645     2671
## N2N:P1P      -0.01     10.23   -20.36    20.53 1.00    10692     3067
## N3N:P1P       0.96      8.84   -16.27    18.06 1.00    11485     2604
## N1N:P2P      -0.05     10.24   -19.77    19.95 1.00    11189     2450
## N2N:P2P      -0.20      1.05    -2.21     1.87 1.00     5960     2645
## N3N:P2P      -0.11      9.78   -19.35    19.07 1.00    11261     2742
## N1N:P3P       0.22      8.92   -17.34    18.00 1.00     8277     2459
## N2N:P3P       0.00     10.24   -20.02    20.69 1.00    10253     2524
## N3N:P3P      -0.10      9.86   -19.46    19.28 1.00     9312     2817
## N1N:K1K      -0.05      8.54   -16.36    17.21 1.00     8500     2954
## N2N:K1K      -0.18     10.29   -20.50    20.08 1.00    11373     2550
## N3N:K1K       0.61      8.90   -16.64    18.18 1.00     8808     2515
## N1N:K2K      -0.09     10.04   -20.00    19.64 1.00    10335     2545
## N2N:K2K      -0.92      1.02    -2.99     1.03 1.00     8082     3090
## N3N:K2K       0.12     10.29   -20.14    20.52 1.00    11469     2928
## N1N:K3K       0.48      8.61   -16.56    17.29 1.00     8659     2829
## N2N:K3K      -0.07     10.16   -20.43    19.16 1.00     9578     2650
## N3N:K3K       0.00      9.74   -19.16    18.55 1.00    11632     2929
## P1P:K1K       0.40      8.14   -15.63    16.36 1.00     7982     2683
## P2P:K1K       0.05     10.12   -19.29    19.83 1.00    10626     2303
## P3P:K1K       0.26      8.91   -17.02    17.68 1.00    10223     2380
## P1P:K2K       0.05     10.42   -20.51    20.71 1.00    10861     2255
## P2P:K2K       1.93      1.02    -0.05     3.91 1.00     6542     2922
## P3P:K2K       0.29     10.14   -19.10    20.00 1.00     8588     2653
## P1P:K3K       0.64      8.80   -16.89    18.08 1.00     9355     2938
## P2P:K3K      -0.05      9.77   -18.76    19.18 1.00    10862     2634
## P3P:K3K      -0.04     10.36   -19.71    20.01 1.00     9846     2524
## Family Specific Parameters: 
##       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sigma     3.05      0.14     2.79     3.34 1.00     3992     2792
## Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
## and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

We can see here that the point estimates of the interaction slopes are mostly close to zero with wide credible intervals, indicating weak to nonexistent interactions.

Finally, we can use LOO cross-validation to compare the model to others. In this case I will just compare the model with both interaction terms to the random-slope model with only the three main effects and no interaction terms that we fit during the main part of the lesson.

fit_withinteractions <- add_criterion(fit_withinteractions, 'loo')
loo_compare(fit_withinteractions, fit_randomNPKslopes)
##                      elpd_diff se_diff
## fit_randomNPKslopes   0.0       0.0   
## fit_withinteractions -0.6       2.3

This shows us that the fit that includes the interaction terms does not perform any better in the LOO cross-validation than the fit that ignores interactions. This is further evidence that interactions between fertilization treatments are not very strong in this particular dataset.