calcium * fert * soil
.(1 | rep)
and rep
(1 | fert:rep)
and rep
(1 | soil:rep)
, soil
, and rep
(1 | fert:soil:rep)
.fit1 <- lmer(yield ~ calcium * fert * soil + (1 | rep) + (1 | fert:rep) + (1 | soil:rep) + (1|fert:soil:rep), data = cox.stripsplit)
Here we have all main effects and their two-way and three-way interactions, and random intercepts by four different groups: rep, vertical strip, horizontal strip, and plot.
We get the message
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
. We can
inspect the random effects and their variance-covariance matrix using
and VarCorr(fit1)
. When we do
this, we see that the random intercepts for plot
) are all near zero. The fitting algorithm is
unable to estimate random intercepts for the plots. This is probably
because of two things: first, there are only two measurements per plot
so we are dealing with limited data. Also, there may be little
additional random variation at the plot level once we have accounted for
variation by rep, vertical strip, and horizontal strip.
As discussed above, some practitioners would say this message can be ignored. Others would recommend simplifying the model by removing the plot random intercept term. This gets rid of the singular fit message because all random intercepts can be successfully estimated. The simpler model can be fit like this:
fit2 <- lmer(yield ~ calcium * fert * soil + (1 | rep) + (1 | fert:rep) + (1 | soil:rep), data = cox.stripsplit)
fit3 <- lmer(yield ~ calcium * fert * soil + (1 + calcium | rep) + (1 | fert:rep) + (1 | soil:rep), data = cox.stripsplit)
The random effect term grouped by rep
now is
(1 + calcium | rep)
which means we are allowing both the
mean yield (random intercept) and the effect of calcium (random slope)
to vary by rep.
We see yet another singular fit message. We can inspect
and VarCorr(fit3)
. This shows us
that the random slopes are perfectly correlated with the random
intercepts for rep. This should indicate to us that we have insufficient
data to estimate random slope variation between reps for the
Note this requires the emmeans and multcomp packages to be loaded. We are using the simplified model without the plot-level random intercepts.
emm <- emmeans(fit2, ~ fert | calcium)
contrast(emm, 'pairwise', adjust = 'tukey')
cld(emm, adjust = 'tukey', Letters = letters)
We see that in calcium level C0, F3 has a higher mean yield than F1, whereas in calcium level C1, F2 has a higher mean yield than F0. Based on this, we cannot make a general statement about which fertilizer increases yield the most, that is valid regardless of calcium level. We have to say that the effect of fertilizer on yield depends on the level of calcium. This is the textbook definition of a statistical interaction.